Thursday, May 31, 2012

Students plastic bag arts displayed in school's museum

The lining of this shoulder bag (yellow) is made out of plastic bag

This table mat is made out of plastic bag

This sleeper's integral part  is made out of plastic bags

School's Non Teaching Staff doing the plastic art

Finance Department

Medical Department

Mr. Karim, one of the guidance counselor showing his art work

Ms. Ofel busy cutting the plastic

One of the nurses showing her work

Technicians group

Utility group

Showcase of their finished arts

Showcase 1

Showcase 2

Showcase 3

Showcase 4

Showcase 5

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Environmental care through paintings of BCNHS SVA Arts Students

A unified humanity can save our planet from urban decay
Unity in sustainable development
Balance development can make our planet a colorful place to live
Environmental hope for our country

Recycling soda plastic bottles in artistic ways

What can you possibly do with an empty bottle of soda like this?
Well, you can make it into a decoration like this
or like this
This are just examples of the the recycling art work of the BCNHS SVA students
A collection of their plastic art work kept in a school cabinet
more art works
adding student's creativity to make the art more presentable
more artworks
a cabinet full of art works
or you can use it as a plant holder
then with a collection of plant holders you can use it to decorate your fence.  This fence is a part of our school.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Anniellie and Immariel holding their abstract painting

Group pictorials of participants 1

Group pictorials of participants 2

Group pictorial of participants 3

Immariel being as an older sister to younger participants

Finally, my art work

One of the organizers explaining the value of what you can find in your sorroundings

Head Organizer Director Karlo Altamonte telling an environment story to attentive participants

BCNHS SVA students (from the left) Anniellie, Shekeilah, & Immariel with Mr. Karlo Altamonte

The little boy blowing the paint so that it will dry quickly.

kaLIKHAsan -- a filipino play on words where in the word kalikasan means nature while the word inside it LIKHA means to create.  This seminar attended by my students immerse them in caring for the environment through art.  For other photos, follow this link

Plastik-Plastikan Seminar

Listening attentively to Jojet Lamberto, the environmentalist

Comparing my work with one of my students

Cutting the plastic bags carefully

following a particular pattern

Pictorial with the Organizer 

Making our plastic art more colorful

Last May 5, My students Nicklaus, Berneth, Princess, Shekeilah, and Anniellie attended a seminar that taught us the usage of recycled plastic bags.  They can be used as an art material.